Machine Multiplayer Office is a goofy social deduction game for 4-6 players in which a healthy outsider has to mimick the symptoms of sick employees in order to blend in and be the last one standing.
It was made as part of the third semester collaborative project module at Cologne Game Lab in a team of 6 people. It can be downloaded here.
My Responsibilities
Over the course of this project, we had some organizational hiccups which required me to jump in and help with coding more than usual, beyond my design responsibilites.
Game Design
Designing and iterating upon the game system and its core loop
Organizing and conducting playtesting
Coming up with sandbox tools that are both fun and support the core social deduction
Project Management
Coordinated task distribituion and project timelines using tools like Trello, Miro and Notion
Held frequent meetings in order to check if we are following plan or changes are needed
Implementing and online-synchronizing several of the secondary interactions – Drawing, Making Coffee Stains, Crumpling paper
Helping our programmers debug the core system and make it run smoothly
Core Loop
In the game you play as one of 2 roles:
1. Machine – the regular worker at The Hole Company, due to the infiltrators’ presence they have started to develop different symptoms (impairments in vision, controls and motorics). They have to find who the healthy infiltrator is and eliminate them.
2. Infiltrator – a foreign spy, their presence has triggered the company’s self-destruction protocol, but their identity is yet to be revealed. Even though they don’t experience the symptoms Machines do, they have to act as if they have them in order to blend in and convince others of their innocence.
Each round you vote for the CEO, a person with the ultimate power, who is given a gun remote control and has the ability to switch off any player during their tenure. The players have to choose the CEO carefully by scanning who is the safest player to vote.
The game ends either when all Machines are kicked out, all Infiltrators are kicked out, or the self-destruction protocol has been triggered after a certain amount of rounds.

The Office Sandbox